Love Letters

A Love Is Blind based RP group.Genre - Comedy, Romance and Absurdity.This is a wip and things are subject to change.

A experimental dating show where 30 strangers are assigned pen pals in an attempt to see if people can fall in love without ever meeting their partner in person to test and see if love really is blind.The people will be divided up into squads to live with these new people as they attempt to find love through letters. Once a marriage proposal has been made, the couple moves on to the honeymoon phase where they and everyone else get to meet in person to spend the week planning their wedding and maybe even stealing someone else's partner.The show will conclude with a live wedding event where we wait and see the participants say their vows and live happily ever after or reject their partner to find other prospects.

Welcome to Love Letters


Everyone will have a public letter that is posted for all to see. From here, there is a secret messaging system in the discord chat that will allow everyone to send messages secretly to each other so that each mun is hidden behind anonymity. You will be able to read all letters sent to your oc and no one else's.
Note – The audience will be able to see select quotes from these letters so please do not write anything you don't want seen by the general public.Oh did we mention that you have a deep dark secret and a second agenda no one else knows about? Yeah there's that too.Squads
Because it's a drag to hide who you are OOC since we all want to scream about our own OCs, we have implemented a squad system. Here you will be able to know the identities of 10ish other players. There will be an IC group text channel as well as channel for threads taking place in each squad house.
Note - While you are allowed to request your squamates, please know you will not be able to send letters to them and relationships between squad mates is heavily discouraged as it is not the point of the game.Confessions and Quotes
Just like you'll be able to submit letters to other people, you can submit a confession letter about how your oc is feeling about the current situation. These can reveal actual motivations, particular quotes from letters, and anything your heart desires. At the end of the game, management will compile everything into a cohesive document detailing the chaos of the season.
This is a spectator role. These people will be allowed to make an oc for the audience to participate in polls and such as well as have access to the Host Commentary, editorialized letter quotes and Confessions chat. This means people are allowed to see parts of what letters that muns release to the public. Audience members have their own group chat that acts in the same way that a streamer's chat might so all of the chat messages are presumably scrolling on the screen.
There will be a suggestions chat for audience members to pitch ideas to throw at our participants.Audience members will also have a betting pool! There are three categories of bets... predictions on who is going to get with who, who will say yes or no at the alter and which oc belongs to which mun.Management
Sometimes management might ask your oc to do specific things for dramas sake. If you would like a reason to do something but your oc wouldn't do it feel free to use management as an excuse and give us an @ so we are aware.



Week 1/2Group Prep!!
Week 3Apps Open
Week 4...
27thParticipants Chat Open
31stAudience Chat Open


14thFinal Day for Marriage proposals
15thHoneymoon Start
24th - 29thWeddings!!


Currently Semi-Invite Only!If you would like to request an invite please feel free to DM the twitter @LoveLetters_RP with your character concept and we will get back to you shortly.If you received a DM from us asking you to apply, your character application will automatically be accepted. It is encouraged to propose at least 2 potential characters so we may balance personalities. You only need to finish an app for one.If the group generates enough interest, a public run will be considered.

Character Creation / ApplicationOur application process is fairly simple. Feel free to put multiple OC ideas and we will pick the personalities that balance each other out.Participant

Name: If you want to pick this later that's ok too
Age: 25-35
Hand writing: Small, large, neat messy. Whatever you want to say about it.Host Introduction: When the host of the show introduces your OC what should they say? These can be as ridiculous as you want but please keep them concise. One sentence is preferred with a max of three sentences.
Ex - A burnt out college student who graduated 3 years ago but still hasn't found a job in their field so they're looking for love instead.
Introduction Letter: Please write a letter with your oc's voice to state whatever they would want their new pen pal to know. This letter will be posted publicly for everyone to see as your "public" app. You can include anything from gender identity to hobbies to random things about your oc. Be creative!Private
Letterhead: Dear (oc), Hello (oc) ect.
Closing: Sincerely (Name), From (name), ect.Secret/Goal: You can either pick your secret or your goal for the game. These can be as insane as your oc is an escapee from a secret underground prison to as benign as they have never been potty trained. Go wild. If you want your oc to be 3 lizards in a trench coat then do it. If you choose to make a secret, mods will make your goal, if you choose to make a goal, mods will make your secret.RP Comfort Meme: Coming SoonExtra: This is just info you want mods to know OOC. You can put here if your oc lied at all in their letter, if you'd be interested in a wild card and such. This is also where, if you are applying with friends, you may request these friends to be in your "Squad".


Age: 18+
Introduction: Your character concept summarized in a concise matter. 3 sentences max.


Knowlage of general RP etiquette is expected of all members- No NSFW allowed but light references to it are ok
- Muns are always more important than whatever happens in character. If IC drama is effecting you OOC please feel free to message a mod to take a step back.
- On that note, if there is anything making you uncomfortable in the group feel free to message a mod.
- While we encourage drama IC, please keep OOC a welcoming space.
- Please keep your personal life private. Light conversation about your day and such are ok. Asking gen chat if anyone is willing to talk in DMs is also allowed.
- While our rules are not extensive, if we see anything that we want to discourage, a mod will message you with a light warning and add it to the rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

"What is the tone of this group?"
Nothing should be taken seriously. We go by anime logic in this house.
"Can audience members do super chats?"
If someone comes up with a creative idea for how currency would work then sure but until then we suffer.
"What do audience members win if they guess correctly?"
Bragging rights.
"Wait when you say it's anon you mean that we don't know who's oc belongs to whom?"
Yeah!! Why? I don't know I thought it would be funny.
"Can we reveal who our ocs are OOC?"
No. Doing so or finding out someone's identity and sharing it will be cause of automatic demotion to audience.
"What if our OC has good chemistry with a squad mate?"
We will climb that bridge when we get there but also please try not to do this as it defeats the purpose of the game. There may be ooc consequences for this.
"Do we need to draw our oc?"
Sorry despite being a dArp group we have failed at the art part of deviant art.
"Will you have a run for older characters?"
If there is enough interest we will do a second d/milf season /j
"I can't take you guys seriously."
Honestly neither can I.
"Wow your icon is so cute!"
Thanks I got it off Free